Planning and Research
I need to carry out a textual analysis of an existing magazine that is of the same genre as the magazine I am planning to produce. In this I need to analyse the front cover, the contents page and the main feature article in full detail to understand all of the elements that make to publication the way it is.
I also need to create a quetsionnaire that I can hand out to my target audience to gather information on what they want included in my publication. This will include questions that relate to issue such as: the typeface, the colour scheme, the image selection and the layout.
I have chosen to produce a UK music magazine, aimed at young people between the ages of 15 and 21, who are in full or part-time education. This is because although there are thousands of music magazines, and hundreds of them are aimed at a UK audience, there is only one magazine that is aimed at young people and focuses on UK r'n'b, hiphop and grime. There is therefore a niche in the market and helps ensure the success of my magazine.
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