Friday, 5 December 2008

The Photoshoot

The photoshoot is planned to take place on Wednesday where I will be taking the photographs for my front cover, feature article and contents page. I have already chosen my model who will be posing as Shystie. Although she doesn't look all that much like Shystie, she exudes the same hard-faced attitude that I need.
I will be taking the first set of photographs in Crystal Palace park, where my model will be stilling inbetween the paws of the Palace sphinx. I chose this locatiuon because the sphinx represent power and authority and that is the atmosphere I want my photograph to give out. I will be taking this as a low angle shot, looking up at my model. This is will give to idea for power, aswell as making my model look taller as she is quite short. This is a stright on photograph that I took of a friens to show the scale of the sphinx.

The second set of photographs will show the more socialable side of Shystie, in a sort of party environment. These photographs will be alot more relaxed and less planned.

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