Monday, 8 December 2008

The Props

A major factor of my photographs is the setting and props as these are just as important as the feature model. As I am doing a hipohop magazine, my props will have to reflect the values of the magazine and the feature artist.

Clothing: I have asked my model to wear quite dark colours as this will reflect the gritty attitude of my chosen genre and also will mirror the colour scheme of my magazine. I have also asked her to dress quite casually and not try to hard. I have also lent her some jewellery, as this is a common reflection of hiphop magazines to have their artist displaying wealth.

Objects: Hiphop magazines often attempt to make their feature artists appear as wealthy as possible to reflect their success. I have therefore planned to have my model pose with two of the latest mobile phones in one photograph and the latest ipod in another. On the other hand, magazines also want their readers to be able to relate to the feature artist, therefore in another photograph I want my model to be doing something normal like eating ice-cream.

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